Dr. Brito offers consultations, individual supervision, and a comprehensive 6-hour Group Supervision Program. Whether you choose consultation or supervision, these services are designed to deepen your understanding of your own processes. This empowers you to provide more skilled guidance and support to your clients as they address their sexual health concerns, personal experiences, and unique needs.


Dr. Brito primarily offers individual and group supervision to current students and alumni of the Certificate in Sexual Health Program. Aspiring Latinx and BIPOC sex therapists are encouraged to reach out, as Dr. Brito reserves a few slots for others as well.

Whether you are seeking AASECT certification or looking to expand your knowledge, skills, and network, supervision is designed to nurture your growth and enhance your skill set. To derive the full benefits of supervision, having sex therapy clients on your caseload is essential.


  • Deepen your clinical experience by learning to apply the techniques and key principles offered in the Certificate in Sexual Health Program.
  • Transform your intellectual understanding into real-life interventions that can profoundly impact your clients’ lives.
  • Obtain clinical feedback in a safe and trustworthy environment; be engaged in a collaborative supervisory relationship.
  • Increase awareness of the impact of cultural, gender, ethnic and other differences between you and your supervisor and you and your clients; process the effects of bias, prejudice, and stereotyping.
  • Strive to develop and maintain self-awareness in the area of cultural humility, which includes one’s attitudes, knowledge, and skills.
  • Examine your world view, your clients’ world views, your own intersectional identities and how this impacts your work with your clients.
  •  Identify your values that influence your practice; learn to apply ethical and legal guidelines to specific cases.
  • Connect with and receive support from other like minded individuals. (Group Supervision)


Consultations are available to professionals seeking expert guidance on complex cases or specific issues.

Typically, consultations are one-time or occasional meetings rather than ongoing relationships. The focus is on solving specific issues or gaining insights into particular cases, without necessarily addressing broader professional development.

Consultation is often sought by experienced professionals needing additional expertise or a second opinion on challenging cases.


To increase accessibility, The Sexual Health School offers an Equitable Pricing option, to allow those who have less financial resources to access the program. If you have the financial means, we ask that you pay the full rate to support others in our community to access the program.

Pay it Forward Access

"I am financially comfortable and would like to help others have access.”


General Access 

"I am comfortably able to meet my basic needs."


Community Access 

"I stress about meeting my basic needs and could use some help from my community."



Please check your local time zone here.


— Group Supervision 1:
     October 15, 2024: 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM HST
— Group Supervision 2:
     November 12, 2024,: 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM HST 
— Group Supervision 3:
     December 10, 2024: 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM HST


To increase accessibility, The Sexual Health School offers an Equitable Pricing option, to allow those who have less financial resources to access the program. If you have the financial means, we ask that you pay the full rate to support others in our community to access the program.

Pay it Forward Access

"I am financially comfortable and would like to help others have access.”


General Access 

"I am comfortably able to meet my basic needs."


Community Access 

"I stress about meeting my basic needs and could use some help from my community."

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